Insatiable Progress: I want to stick my flag in something, 2013

The moon landing is a ripe reference to discuss the assumed authenticity of cultural material and events. The various conspiracy theories proposing a fake moon landing have led to detailed analyses of all visual material created during the moon landing in 1959. These theories critique the edited mission transcript, the accurate movement of mass in zero gravity, and the general authenticity of visual documentation.

The watercolour and pencil idea drawings depict the moon landing, including a range of suspected inaccuracies. The astronaut holds a mug with a bare hand, while his flag moves in an unlikely breeze. He is accompanied by two people wearing moon and earth headdresses, implying he is not actually in space. He casts a long shadow that falls lightly on alien creatures, supporting the idea of a hushed extra-terrestrial encounter on the famous first mission.

The title of the series refers to the history of invasion and colonisation, and the underlying cultural impulse to dominate and subdue the unknown. Although the astronaut holds the Red Cross, his intentions are not generous. He engages technology for the purposes of conquest, merely updating the vehicles and approaches that have served so well in the past.

Insatiable Progress: I want to stick my flag in something was created for an outer space themed Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) ARTBAR curated by Michaela Gleave. The photograph was presented as a full-scale fun park photo board through which visitors could become part of the moonscape. Further iterations of the work were then shared through social media as people of various ages and genders switched roles within the image.

Special thanks to: Michaela Gleave, Elizabeth Reidy, Ben Wright, David Lawrey and MCA ARTBAR.