

What information do I collect?

When you contact me

  • Personal data you provide about yourself (for example, your name and contact details e.g. an email)

  • you provide a name and an email address when making a comment on a blog post or submitting a form. I do not ask for any other details. What you provide is up to you.

  • you may disclose information about your business - however this is not personal information which for the purposes of the GDPR only relates to the personal data of individuals

When a third party contacts me on your behalf

  • Personal data provided by a third party such as your name, contact details and specific circumstances.

When you visit this website, or interact with this site or me via social media

  • Your IP address and browsing preferences and choices;

  • Your name and username and any comments that you make.

When you commission me to do work for you

  • Your name and email address. I will also ask you for your normal mailing address for my invoice. Depending on the assignment you may disclose various other data but this will vary from client to client and will not apply to all. What you disclose is your choice.

How do I collect information?

Your personal information may be collected from a number of sources. These include:

  • From you when you contact or interact with this site by email or when you communicate through social media;

  • From forms you may complete;

  • From public sources of data (e.g. the contacts details you have chosen to make public on your website or social media)

  • From organisations/bodies you are connect to or are affiliated with, when they provide your information to me

Why do I collect it?

  • In relation to news updates, the information I hold is based on you having given your consent. For example, in relation to news updates  you have provided the email and then verified that it should be stored and used as a basis for processing the blog feed via Feedburner and sending you an email for the news update.

  • I also collect information because of a legitimate interest to ensure I have got details correct in relation to any public published information about you.

  • Data relating to any business transaction arises out of a contractual necessity e.g. so both you and I are fulfilling the obligations set out in supplier terms and conditions or any contract that may be in place.

How do I use your information?

I process your data in order to:

  • Record any correspondence or products I receive and respond accordingly;

  • Send out information relating to news updates

  • Enter into contracts with customers

  • Maintain relationships with individuals and organisations and send messages from time to time

How is it stored?

Your personal data is stored in a number of ways:

  • In paper files stored securely;

  • In software systems which are managed on my Apple hardware or on webware provided by a third party supplier (Squarespace).

  • If you register to receive news updates, your information will be held on a secure server and the data will be shared with MailChimp for automated processing of the news feed.

Who do I share your information with?

We may share your data with and/or obtain information from some third parties:

  • my website service in relation to the use of forms and comments on this website and for the management of cookies on this website;

  • statistical services with respect to understanding the traffic to the website

  • Social media providers e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – to highlight public news

Other organisations where we are required to by law or by a public authority.

I am committed to protecting your privacy. Under no circumstances do I rent, trade or share your e-mail address without your consent. 

How do I protect your data?

I take the security of your data very seriously. Your data cannot be accessed by third parties other than those providing services associated with this website, my social media or some other business related engagement.

I engage reputable service providers to process your data on my behalf for the purposes of email correspondence, website and social media provision They are all under a duty of confidentiality, and are legally obliged to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of data in line with the relevant legislation.

How long do I keep your personal data?

Nothing is kept indefinitely. Your personal data is kept under review.

  • Correspondence: I periodically delete contacts and associated emails.

  • Blog comments and forms: If the post is not published or the form submitted is nonsensical they are deleted.

  • Spam comments are kept for a period of time prior to reports to Google re. worst offenders.

  • News updates: Emails are stored on in my dedicated Google Feedburner account. If the email is not verified for this use within one month of it being received by Feedburner I delete it. You may unsubscribe from this online newsletter at anytime.

  • Personal data and business correspondence in relation to all business contracts involving payment is retained for a minimum of six years after the end of the tax year in line with the requirements of HMRC.

What about cookies?

If you live in the EU you will always be notified via a cookie 'banner' notice that cookies are used by this site as soon as you alight on the site.

Whether or not you receive a cookie depends on your browser settings - which only you control.

Very many websites, including this one, send you cookies when you visit the site in order to collect data to track traffic flows.  A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes a unique identifier that is sent to your computer or other device browser from a website's computer and is stored on your device's hard drive. 

Cookies record information about the location of your IP provider, technical data about your computer and data about which pages you look at on this website and how these were accessed.  They do NOT tell Weebly or me who the person is or anything else about the person viewing the site.   If you have a website or blog yourself then you are probably collecting statistical data relating to traffic flows in a very similar way. 

Why do I use software which uses cookies?

Cookie data helps me to understand which pages are the most popular and how somebody has arrived at the site e.g. from an art forum or via a search on Google.  It also enables me to know what format most people are now using to view pages which in turn helps me with prioritising design and accessibility issues on this website

Privacy of Email addresses

I rely on your consent for me to know and use the personal data you supply - such as name and email address.  Your data is always kept safe and secure. 

Below I describe the processes and details the links to the Privacy Policies of the services I use when you supply your email to me.

  • Use of Forms: email addresses can be collected by this website. These are ONLY used for correspondence relating to the page where you submitted your email address - with a suggestion or query.  Your email address is stored on the Squarespace servers until deleted by me. This is the Squarespace Privacy Policy. The emails submitted via forms are forwarded automatically to a specific gmail address for my website correspondence. Gmail is a Google product and is covered by Google's Privacy Policy.

  • Subscriptions to my news blog: People wishing to subscribe to my news blog via email are asked to subscribe by submitting their email using Google's Feedburner. Your email is ONLY used if you re-confirm (verify) that you wish to receive news updates from my blog and your email is ONLY used for that one purpose.

  • Marketing: I do NOT use email addresses for marketing purposes. I will NOT contact you for marketing purposes or to promote new additions to the website to you. I use social media to promote my website. 

    ​If you have any queries you can contact me via the contact form on this website.

Statistical Data​

I am dependent on the privacy policies of third parties in respect to statistical data collection. Statistical data collected via this site is initially collected, stored and analysed by third parties. 

Squarespace provides me with basic statistics and I sometimes use Google Analytics. In addition, this is Google's statement about How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps.

Google Analytics stores information about:

  • the pages you visit on this website and how long you spend on each page

  • how you got to the site 

  • what you click on while you’re visiting the site

  • the location generating the visit (in broad terms e.g. a city)

I am able to download some data to my own computer.   All data collected is anonymous and is collected solely for statistical purposes, to improve the service offered and is not used to identify individuals.

Further advice

If you have a query please contact me in the first instance.

If you have concerns about the use of your personal data, the Information Commissioners Office is an independent body set up to uphold information rights in the UK. They can be contacted through

  • their website: or

  • their helpline on 0303 123 1113, or

  • in writing to: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

Please Note

1) Content and the law change all the time. It is impossible to keep up with it if you're not working on the topic full time. 
​2) I research topics carefully. However, I am totally unable to warrant that ANY and/or ALL information is 

  • complete and/or

  • professional and/or

  • wholly accurate and/or 

  • all links lead to the most current information (at the time of writing)

​3) Hence all information I provide comes without any LIABILITY whatsoever to you for any choices you make.