Windows to the soul (2022)

Windows to the Soul was a site specific installation developed by Camille Serisier during her residency with In A Space. Taking place during the darker months of 2022/2023, the work features a series of painted eyes 'looking' out of vacant windows and onto the bustle below, lit during the long winter nights by the lights within the building.

The work was inspired by a sense that the Canterbury High Street and other old cities in the United Kingdom have a latent energy akin to ancient forests. As if the buildings are watching you back - cognizant of our actions but uninvested in their outcome. This sense was exaggerated at the time by a high street laid bare by the effects of the global pandemic and subsequent cost of living crisis.

The work was designed to activate the bleak city centre and offer the community a landmark to light up the darkness and encourage an appreciation of the ancient city’s perseverance.

This work has been created as part of the In A Space Canterbury High Street Residency. The installation on the outside of the building by Camille Serisier was accompanied by an exhibition inside on level one with works by the other residency participants, namely Emily Rose Paris, Molly Lambourn and Elspeth Billie Penfold.